Friday, 9 December 2011

Christmas Drinks

So today was going to be my big post about enjoying Christmas without without binging, however last night we had leaving drinks for one of my work colleagues, and because I am feeling somewhat delicate I have decided to write about some thing more suitable - that wonderful subject - ALCOHOL. Don't worry, I'll try and give it a Christmas slant so you don't feel too cheated!

I love to drink alcohol, I love shots, I love beer, I love wine, and I adore cocktails. In fact there aren’t many alcoholic drinks I don’t like (or won’t at least try once I am already drunk). I don’t think that I drink too often, but when I do I go all out. I guess I am your typical binge drinker. And Christmas always has plenty of occasions for me to embrace my bad habit. You see the problem is you don’t need to be a Rocket Scientist to know that alcohol is full of calories, and as an added extra can make you feel like crap the next day. I have decided to give up the booze in January to cleanse and give my body a big health kick and all that jazz but I won’t give up alcohol for Christmas. I don’t want to sound like an alcoholic but I just couldn’t. I have had about 4 hours sleep and have felt queasy since I woke up and it’s now lunchtime – my hangovers never lasted this long when I was younger! However I’m not one of those who say “I’m never drinking again!” everytime I feel a bit rough. Yes I’m not my usual sparkling self but I’ll feel better soon, and yes the hangover is usually worth it. I had a great time last night. I danced like a loon and that is not something I tend to do when sober so surely that exercise cancels out the calorific drinking?! Perhaps not. We started off well on some Prosecco. I believe Champagne is supposed to be relatively low in calories so I am sure this must be the same for Prosecco. However I then moved on to my favourite drink of the moment. Crabbies Ginger Beer.

I haven’t searched to see what the calorie content of one of these bottles is because honestly I would be scared to find out. I don’t imagine it is particularly low, I would guess it is close to the calorie content of a mars bar. The taste of this drink is superb though, perfect for Christmas with its spicy warming ginger kick. They are on special offer at Sainsburys at the moment (4 bottles for £5) so I have quite a few at home ready for Christmas celebrations.

Another of a favourite festive drink of mine is a Snowball! This is basically Advocaat with lemonade and a touch of lime. This is the drink we always had with family at Christmas gatherings when I was growing up. From about the time we hit double figures in age all the children in the family (brother, sister, cousins etc) would have a splash of Advocaat and a big slug of lemonade at Christmas parties. It made us feel like grown-ups and it tasted better than all the other harsh grown up drinks. It was fluffy, fun and went down so smoothly. Don’t get me wrong, I am sure the measures we were served contained almost no Advocaat, and therefore weren’t very alcoholic at all but the Advocaat /lemonade ratio did begin to change as we grew up! For me this is a nostalgia drink. I won’t order it at a bar but I will have it round by Aunt’s or cousins at this time of year.

And now on to the big one. The Daddy of all drinks. The Boss. The head honcho of the Christmas cabinet. Baileys. Sweet, silky, delicious , enchanting Baileys. I know they now have Baileys with all this different shit in it but give me a glass of the classic stuff with lots of ice and I am in heaven. It looks amazing; glossy and decadent. It smells out of this world, and it tastes like love. Maybe I'm taking it a bit far but if you can’t over-exaggerate in a blog where else can you? Needless to say, I love it. Honestly I cannot have any in the house because I would drink myself into a happy oblivion. However it will be offered to me by other people and I will happily accept a glass (or three).

So this is my conundrum to solve; how can I enjoy Christmas without giving up my beloved alcohol but without consuming so many unneeded calories? To be honest if I could give you an answer to this I would patent it and make a fortune. The only thing I can do is to try and moderate (that damn word again, grrr). If I am at the pub I am going to have Gin and slim line tonic, or Jack Daniels on the rocks or Prosecco as I figure these drinks to have the lowest calorie content. I hope this means that at a party or Christmas gathering I can accept a Baileys or Snowball without feeling guilty and increasing my waist line. I’ll let you know how I get on!

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Missing in Action (or inaction!)

So it's been quite sometime since I've posted here - and I started off so well! I would love to say I haven't posted because I've been so healthy and active and haven't wanted to boast about it, but I haven't. I've been lazy and falling back into bad habits. However one of my original goals was to enjoy Christmas without being a pig about it so I have decided to restart this blog now. A big part of me is going "wait until January, enjoy Christmas, have this health kick as a New Years Resolution" but I am going to ignore that voice and focus on my goals - I don't want to fail one of them, Dagnam it! Christmas and I are going to be best buddies without either one of us trying to sabotage the other! Surely there are other ways to enjoy the festive season without becoming as stuffed as your average turkey?

So this is a quick post to prepare you (dear reader) for my return tomorrow with a blog about Christmas!

Ho Ho Ho!