So today was going to be my big post about enjoying Christmas without without binging, however last night we had leaving drinks for one of my work colleagues, and because I am feeling somewhat delicate I have decided to write about some thing more suitable - that wonderful subject - ALCOHOL. Don't worry, I'll try and give it a Christmas slant so you don't feel too cheated!
I love to drink alcohol, I love shots, I love beer, I love wine, and I adore cocktails. In fact there aren’t many alcoholic drinks I don’t like (or won’t at least try once I am already drunk). I don’t think that I drink too often, but when I do I go all out. I guess I am your typical binge drinker. And Christmas always has plenty of occasions for me to embrace my bad habit. You see the problem is you don’t need to be a Rocket Scientist to know that alcohol is full of calories, and as an added extra can make you feel like crap the next day. I have decided to give up the booze in January to cleanse and give my body a big health kick and all that jazz but I won’t give up alcohol for Christmas. I don’t want to sound like an alcoholic but I just couldn’t. I have had about 4 hours sleep and have felt queasy since I woke up and it’s now lunchtime – my hangovers never lasted this long when I was younger! However I’m not one of those who say “I’m never drinking again!” everytime I feel a bit rough. Yes I’m not my usual sparkling self but I’ll feel better soon, and yes the hangover is usually worth it. I had a great time last night. I danced like a loon and that is not something I tend to do when sober so surely that exercise cancels out the calorific drinking?! Perhaps not. We started off well on some Prosecco. I believe Champagne is supposed to be relatively low in calories so I am sure this must be the same for Prosecco. However I then moved on to my favourite drink of the moment. Crabbies Ginger Beer.
Another of a favourite festive drink of mine is a Snowball! This is basically Advocaat with lemonade and a touch of lime. This is the drink we always had with family at Christmas gatherings when I was growing up. From about the time we hit double figures in age all the children in the family (brother, sister, cousins etc) would have a splash of Advocaat and a big slug of lemonade at Christmas parties. It made us feel like grown-ups and it tasted better than all the other harsh grown up drinks. It was fluffy, fun and went down so smoothly. Don’t get me wrong, I am sure the measures we were served contained almost no Advocaat, and therefore weren’t very alcoholic at all but the Advocaat /lemonade ratio did begin to change as we grew up! For me this is a nostalgia drink. I won’t order it at a bar but I will have it round by Aunt’s or cousins at this time of year.