Thursday, 6 October 2011

Born to Run

As the evenings get darker and colder it takes me more effort to drag myself out for a jog. However there is a saviour out there in the form of my ipod and my fantastic taste in music that keeps me inspired. Normally you can get those cheap "101 songs for running" or " Best running song" CDs and although these have some great tunes on they tend to be a bit to centred on dance music so I have put together my own mixtape! I hope you the selection of some of my favourite songs to jog to and if anyone is reading this feel free to suggest your own!

Foo Fighters - My Hero. Who doesn't love Dave Grohl?
Legally Blonde, the Musical - Whipped into Shape. This is an excellent song for running to, you just have to imagine you'll end up with a body like the girls have in the musical to keep going. It almost makes me want to take up skipping.
Spice Girls - Who do you think you are? The less said about this choice the better.
Britney Spears - Toxic. You should now be seeing a pattern clearly showing that I love cheese.
Ash - Arcadia. I love Ash, they are easily my favourite band and have so many great songs. This one is particularly inspiring and one of my favourite songs ever.
Tim Minchin - Bears don't dig on dancing. If anyone hasn't seen Tim Minchin I urge you to, he is a musical comedy genius!
The Boy from Oz, the musical - Continental American. Hugh Jackman serenading me as I run, what more could a girl ask for?!
Alexander Rybak - Fairytale. A Eurovision classic.
Destiny's Child - Bootylicious. I feel this one needs no explanation!
Avenue Q, the Musical - If you were gay. This is one of the funniest musicals I have ever seen and hearing any of the songs from this cheers me up as I run.
Mumford and Songs - Little Lion Man. It's got a banjo, is catchy, quite simply it's great.
Glee cast - Loser like me. Come on there has to be some Glee in there somewhere!
Ash - Walking Barefoot. Another great Ash song. This one reminds me of summer.
Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the heart. Power Ballads FTW! Plus this is my go to karaoke song

Just reading through them now makes me want to pull on my trainers, stuff my headphones in my ears and hit the pavement!

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