Wednesday, 22 February 2012


So it's been a while and it's about time I wrote an update. I have to admit I have been a little half arsed with thing recently. I have been going out for jogs but not as often as I should, and I have been eating better, but still having quite a few treats. My scales at home are ancient but I have been using them now and then, and they have been sticking at the same place (but at least they aren't going up!) Despite this at the weekend I decided to take some measurements.

The last time I had dusted off the old measuring tape was 17 November 2011; so before my Christmas binge. I was pretty chuffed (despite the fact I've had three months in-between the first measuring and the second) to find out I've lost 2 inches on all of my big areas (waist, boobs, hips) and 1 inch on my less big areas (arms and thighs). This has given me a bit of a boost, and also made me think what could I have achieved if I worked harder, and ate more sensibly. Therefore in honour of Lent and giving shit up I have decided to give up all chocolate until Easter. I know, I know, I'm always saying no biscuits, no cakes and I never actually do it, but I mean it this time - honest. Last Lent I gave up crisps and fizzy drinks and I managed to stick at it, and now I only have these items very infrequently, so lets hope I can do the same with chocolate. The other things I am giving up for Lent are weighing and measuring myself. This is just because I want to feel as good as I do now at the end of Lent, when hopefully I can see more progress and more inches being lost. Hurrah!

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