Thursday 1 March 2012

A life style blog

After reading some other blogs out there I have decided to extend mine to be more than just a one legged pony going on about diet and jogging (or lack of) and to look at all aspects of my life.  I believe this is called a 'Life Style Blog'.  I have no doubt mine will not be as glamorous or as beautiful as some out there but I do get to do some interesting things, and I do go on nice holidays every now and then, so I will share them, and my photos, with you dear reader(s).  

For now whilst I am in the mood for sharing, I wanted to draw your attention to this website and some of their pictures that I have been happily adding to my 'pinterest' site.  All the pictures below are taken from Perfect Bucket List and give you an idea of some of the things I want to achieve in the next few years.
Number one aim!  I've never even tried to surf yet, but I will soon, honest!

 I'm a romantic at heart, and waterfall means a holiday somewhere exotic (I hope).

 My boyfriend, Stuart, is a bit of a space geek.  There is a place in the Channel Islands which has become the first ever dark sky island, so no light pollution allowed at!  My aim is to surprise Stuart one day and take him there for a weekend.

 Very long term aim, but at the moment I'd settle for learning to use my camera to the best of my ability!

 I want sport, and the great out doors to become an every day part of my life.  I'm not about to go all 27 Hours on you, but I would like to try rock climbing again, perhaps starting with an indoor wall! 

I'm taking this Hobbit reference and using it for New Zealand.  I was lucky enough to spend around 6 weeks there at the end of 2007 and would love to go back again, and travel the country even more!

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